martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

diary entry

3 of November
Dear diary,

Yesterday I woke up and I go to see the television and I saw a competition of Rugby, one team are doing dipping because they consume a pre-worker that is illegal (Jack 3d). Today in the morning I saw a competition of swimming and they said...., we inject steroids. In my opinion I'am agree with consuming steroids because the athletes for example they need more oxygen and have to be stronger to resist all the competition. And have better results.

If I have the chance to use steroids, however I will use them on the gym because I like very much to have a toned body and I like being muscular and not skinny.

In addition, fitness for rugby helps me to stay toned and always have a good physique. Also this gives me the pull force needed. I think that if I follows structure could reach a goal on target I want, which is increase and be better than the others.

(w/c 161)

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014


I will talk about the obesity because I think that the people that have eating desorders are not goodmto do sports because they doesnt resist their weight.
 EAt in desorder is a sickness and has a lot of consequences like for example the people get very fat and also can make diabetes, cancer and a sickness to the heart.
In my opinion obiously that I dont like the obesity because I do a lot of sport in my school, all the weeckends I play rugby with others british school and I have a lot of fan, for that I dont like to has obesity, but it is a problem very big and witha lot of dificult sickness.

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

writing assigment

Writing assigment

I arrived back home from Australia where I had the most interesting time during a student of interchange. I spent  4 weeks with an Australian family in Sidney, is a very  wonderfoul place to do surf and some aquatics sports like body and kite surf.

My travelling experience was memorable because at the time of going to school I really liked the fact that my best friend believes in this trip has taught me a little as were the cultures in australia and also showed me and taught me every place in the school for so not to miss.

enjoy all this for 4 weeks is recommended anyway for a child of  16 years because it's like having a new life and friends too, is a way of life unforgettable.

Also the things that I liked about this trip and enjoy were having met different people and sports like surfing that left me a teaching practice to reach my country.

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


a) Manorexia is a term that refers to males suffering from the eating disorder, anorexia nervosa. 

b)I have been told to look for signs that young people are obsessed with their weight amid mounting concern of a slimming epidemic.
Recent figures suggest that almost half of young teenage girls are skipping meals in their quest for a perfect body.

c)The earliest warning signs of anorexia (anorexia nervosa) can be very difficult to distinguish from normal eating or dieting behavior. Anorexia symptoms may also be concealed.

d)Certain risk factors developing an eating disorder are specific to men. Men who were teased as children for being overweight and athletes who must maintain a certain weight for enhanced performance are more at risk of developing eating disorder.

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014


I wrote a letter about the language and cultural identity or, self-identity, it was written with a serious tone because it is more formal, and hopes to address a friend audience.

 In my letter I tried to use a formal language with phrases like "I need helping hand to deal with paperwork". I tried as well to use a easy-to-understand level of vocabulary with words choices like "experience, dominated, informated, accept".

 Using this elements I feel I reached my purpose of making that my friend will understand all the message that I writed with a particular point that is "the experience of people that are third culture kid".
I chose a letter to do this because I felt that in this way I could best express more my feelings and it is more formal and also I thing that the letter represent very well the topic and the third culture kids.

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Correction of the dairy entry

Dear diary:

In England, one day of  December of 1843 in Manchester, a very cold morning my neighbor was looking at me because I was croussing the street and he was very scared about my vulture eye.

Another daay I suspect John (my neighbor) looking to the window of my house and I deduced that he was searching to me because he wanted to kill me.

On Wednesday I am writing in my dairy all the things that I felt about John, every hour and every minute he was looking at me, I suspect that he is planning with what and when he was going to kill me.

Then on Thursday I was looking at John and he is taking photos and focussing on my eye because I felt that he was doing a albumof all my information about my eye.

martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Dear mr CEO,

Im writing to you because I' don't  agree of the notice that you published that because you said that de people of the airplanes are terrorists but you don't confirm.
I claim to you because is not concrete that all the tripulation are terrorists and know you are wrong because you are not sure of wath you are said

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

I  was published on the street because I funded more attractive.

The message is that my cell phone is "enjoy your life with the cell phone of Ronnie Colleman, because you can fell more attractive.

The target audience will be the people of fifteen years old, because they used a lot like every day.

My stereotype that I used is a person with muscles because is more attractive on the street.

I choose pathos because this advertisement is very motivational and he said that cell phone is the best.