jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015

eating disorders

  1. Steroid: any of a large group of fat-soluble organic compounds containing a characteristic chemical ring system.                    Sentence: I have seen a friend consuming steroid.
  2. Purging:to clear of imputed guilt or ritual uncleanliness.            Sentence:
  3. Binge: a bout of excessive eating or drinking.                Sentence: I know a lot of people that are binge eating.
  4. Obesity: the condition of being very fat or overweight;                  Sentence:      My grandmother has a friend who suffers from obesity..       
  5. Anorexia: loss of appetite and inability to eat.                            Sentence: Last week I have seen a people with anorexia.
  6. Bulimia:Also called hyperphagiaPathology. abnormally voracious appetiteor unnaturally constant hunger.                             Sentence:  I know a fellow who has symptoms of bulimia.    
  7. Manorexia:A condition in which a man is obsessed with his body image and musculature, such that he constantly lifts weights, uses dietary supplements andanabolic steroids, resulting in—in the extreme case—an overly developed body.                                    Sentence: most of the men who eat improperly called Manorexia.
  8. Bigorexia: muscle dysmorphia.                               Sentence: my rugby coach suffers from bigorexia.
  9. Body dysmorphic disorde: psychological disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with imaginary  defects in their appearance.                                Sentence: I have seen a friend with imaginary defects.

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